This year I am all about streamlining my wardrobe, simplifying everything, including my winter scarf of the season. With most of my outerwear falling in the black or navy category, I thought it best to choose a lighter color scarf to brighten things up a...

With so many amazing art and fashion exhibits around the city this month, I spent an afternoon with friends hopping around to museums and galleries, scratching a few exhibits off my very long list. My favorite of all was the Calder Shadows exhibit. Mobiles and...

I don’t usually wear lip color, but in the winter I will try anything to brighten up a pasty complexion. I found this image on Pinterest, and can’t find its original source, so if anyone knows who makes this lip color, do tell! There...

A wish list of sorts… I put together a small collection of pieces that I wouldn’t mind adding to my forever wardrobe. I love how each piece is versatile and able to transcend seasons and even years. In my usual neutral palette, a focus on...

Deborah Turbeville, one of the most iconic fashion photographers to this day, passed away last week at the age of 81. Her moody and enchanting photography style changed the course of fashion photography as we know it. It is clear in her images that her...

Last week I attended a Real Ways Not Runways discussion at Manufacture New York, featuring one of my favorite designers, Mona Kowalska of A Détacher. Mona approaches her designs as a form of self-expression, which translates into beautifully unconventional clothing that is well worth the...

If you haven’t already heard (you’re living under a rock), Domino Magazine is back! I couldn’t be more excited about the revival of this beloved and accessible publication. To add to the excitement, my dear friend, and all around talented lady, Michelle Adams is Editor...

When I woke up super early this morning to the crisp almost-autumn air, all I could think about was this cozy chic, effortlessly styled editorial from The Last Magazine. Styled by one of my all time favorite stylists, Alastair McKimm, he melds the 50 layers...