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One to Watch | All the Nudes by Sydney Halela

Cultivating mindful living.

One to Watch | All the Nudes by Sydney Halela


I’ve been admiring Sydney Halela’s line drawings All the Nudes for some time. Her ability to capture so much emotion in such simplicity is something I strive for when designing DE SMET. I was happy to find out we have a good mutual friend and we were able to connect. This gave me the chance to have a chat with her about her path to becoming a full-time artist and all around inspiration.


CD: Tell us a bit about your career and your background, and how you ended up in New York.

SH: My career has taken several unexpected turns on the road to where I’m at today but I suppose I’ve known since I was thirteen that I wanted to live in New York. So naturally, I moved here the first chance I got. I made the move from Seattle to New York to attend FIT for college while I pursued a degree in fashion design. Part of the curriculum for my major involved taking several life drawing classes and that ended up being something that has always stayed with me.The beginning of my professional career was centered around design. I worked for an advanced contemporary womenswear designer for about five years before the company underwent a relaunch. At that time, kind of by chance, I made a shift into the buying side of the fashion industry and became the ready to wear buyer for an up and coming retailer. Throughout all that time, I never stopped drawing. It was something that I felt grounded me and kept my creativity alive at a time when my job had become more analytical. Finally, about a year ago, I left that job and have been delving deeper into my art ever since. However, all of those paths that lead me to this point have served a very important role in my development as an artist. Whether it’s my eye for color or creating balance, they’re all lessons that inform my creative decision making today.


CD: How did you find your artistic voice/style? I find it so emotionally moving and intimate.

SH: Like all things, it’s developed organically over time. I’m sure in another couple of years it will have evolved into something a bit different than it is now. I started going to figure drawing forums around Brooklyn years ago and I continue to go every other week or so to this day. I’m constantly practising, constantly sketching, constantly trying out new mediums. But I think the one thing that remains consistent is a strong sense of linework. I find the simplicity of line to be really beautiful and evocative.


CD: What does a perennial wardrobe mean to you?

SH: To me it means a collection of pieces that will last. Sustainability is so important. I personally make it a point to try and shop mainly vintage but when I don’t, I’m buying something that I intend to last for a very long time. Well-made, meaningful items with versatility are what make up a perennial wardrobe.


CD: How does your career inform your style?

SH: My background in fashion and art have really instilled in me a strong sense of self expression and a freedom to experiment. I’ve always been what people would describe as a “loud” personality and sometimes that manifests itself in my personal style. I recently went to a friend’s wedding in a beaded Bob Mackie-esq dress because, why not? These days I tend to gravitate toward really strong silhouettes (I love a strong shoulder!) grounded in neutral colors… which, now that I think about it, is a lot like my art.


CD: Do you have any upcoming projects we can look forward to?

SH: Well, I just recently launched my website – so that was exciting. And I’m hoping to have something bigger to announce by the end of the year, but too soon to say anything yet.


CD: Are there any figures from history, literature, or film you admire? What about their character stands out to you?

SH: I recently read “Ninth Street Women” by Mary Gabriel. It’s about five female figures in the abstract expressionist art movement and it was so eye opening for me. Elaine de Kooning has since become a historical artistic figure I’m absolutely enamored with. She was wildly self-assured and independent for a woman, given the era she found herself in. But amidst so much hardship and loss, she always made it her mission to champion other artists, open doors for other women and to lead with kindness. I really admire her.


CD: We often describe admirable women as confident and self-assured. What does confidence look or feel like to you?

SH: I think confidence is about knowing who you are, the good and the not so good, and being cool with all of it. It’s about owning it.


Fill in the blanks:

My favorite place to wake up is… next to my two very fat cats


Confidence can… be the unlock


Every woman needs… a best friend she’d die for


My favorite DE SMET piece is… the long sleeve knit top in black.


CD: Who are the women that have built you up, championed you, or mentored you? What have you learned from them?

SH: Oh my gosh, there are too many to count! All of the women in my life in some way or another have pushed me forward and emboldened me to go after things I maybe wouldn’t have otherwise while simultaneously challenging me to be a better version of myself along the way. My mom is of course my number one lady. I always look to her and she’s instilled so much internal strength in me. I have a handful of friends that are honestly my life line though. When I moved to New York my friends became the family that I chose and I will continue to choose them day after day because I’ve learned everything from them. I think the most important thing that I’ve learned from all of these women collectively is that people and relationships are the most meaningful thing in this world.


CD: What is your approach to dressing?

SH: If you’re not having fun you’re not doing it right.


CD: How do you detox?

SH: A face mask, a glass of wine, and a good movie.


CD: What are you lusting after right now?

SH: I’m always lusting after some form of ornamentation whether it be for the home or for myself (as a Taurus it’s just in my nature). But right now with the current state of affairs in the world, what I’m lusting after more than anything is quality time with my friends.

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